4/27/2010 - AHF remains concerned that authorities continue to raise barriers to divide residents of Szelmenc, the Village Cut in Two "A kettévágott falu." In 2004, AHF, working closely with member the Center for Hungarian American Congressional Relations (CHACR), worked to publicize the fate of villagers of Szelmenc, the "Village Cut in Two" / "A Kettévágott Falu." But the very same Schengen guidelines used to open the border seem to have raised new barriers. [read more]
11/7/2010 - Báthory Award for American Hungarian Federation President
Frank Koszorus, Jr. On the recommendation of the Bolyai Committee (BKB), the Hungarian National Council of Transylvania (EMNT) bestowed the Bathory Award upon 15 awardees, including Frank Koszorus, Jr., President of the American Hungarian Federation.
[read more]
11/5/2010 - AHF participates in 9th MÁÉRT (Magyar Állandó Értekezlet or Hungarian Permanent Conference) in Budapest. Made up of organizations representing ethnic Hungarians who live outside of the borders of Hungary, MAERT hadn't met in over 6 years due to the lack of support from the former Socialist government. AHF President Frank Koszorus stated “I am especially proud that our Federation publicly and vigorously objected to the termination of the Conference." [read more]
10/25/2010 - AHF participates in the fifth Hungarian-Americans Together (HATOG) conference, held in Chicago, October 9-10, 2010. Thirty-five Hungarian-American leaders of 22 organizations from eight states participated. The Conference aims to build a network of communication and collaboration among Hungarian organizations in the United States and to develop a strategy for saving and strengthening our Hungarian heritage and culture. [read more]
10/23/2010 - AHF Honors the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the first tear in
the Iron Curtain. Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable
odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Hungarian communist government.
Thousands died fighting, others tortured and executed, while 200,000 were
forced to flee. 2010 marks the 54th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. President Obama issues statement. [read more]
9/23/2010 - AHF helps plan CEEC Advocacy Day in US Congress, drafts human / minority rights Policy Brief... The Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) held its Fall Advocacy Day - an all-day event during which the members visited scores of Congressional offices, including the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), to discuss key policy issues relating to Central and Eastern Europe such as human and minority rights concerns relative to Hungarians in the region, U.S. assistance, Russia's influence, NATO and energy security, and visa matters. [read more]
8/21/2010 - AHF supports Hungarian School in tiny Hungarian Village in Slovakia. The school is located in a little ethnic Hungarian village of under 800 people, Vaján (or Vojany in Slovak after annexation following the Treaty of Trianon) in the Kassa District (Kosice) of Slovakia.
[read more]
8/15/2010 - AHF donation to the Rákóczi Szövetség (Rakoczi Foundation) supporting ethnic Hungarian communities in the Carpathian Basin. The donation was targeted at providing scholarships and other support to students and families in Slovakia. Anti-Hungarian practices in Slovak state school registration and the Slovak Language Law forbidding the use of Hungarian in official business make it difficult for these historic communities to preserve their over 1000-year-old heritage. DONATE! [read more] (includes 2009 Annual Report / Beszámolo (magyarul)
7/22/2010 - AHF reacts to The Washington Post Editorial that equated concern for national minorities with extremism: "...the editorial, 'Hungary's Strongest Leader Targets the Media,' [July 19], seems to equate the prevailing sentiment in Hungary in support for minority rights and the new passport law with extremism. Nothing is farther from the truth." Multiple letters from AHF members also reminded editors about the extremism in neighboring countries. The Post included AHF's link on Trianon. [read more]
7/20/2010 - AHF co-sponsors Free Summer Camp for 100 Children of Hungarian Flood Zone Victims... The camp was held from July 20 to July 26 in the Somogy Megyei Gyermek Tábor in Fonyódliget, a town on the shores of Lake Balaton. The 100 children, aged 7 to 14, were selected from three villages that were affected by the flood.
[read more] and DONATE!
7/14/2010 - AHF co-sponsors delivery of 10,000 pounds of Flood Relief Supplies: On July 13, 2010, AHF, in partnership with its sister organization, the Amerikaiak a Magyarokért Közhasznú Alapítvány, a non-profit Hungarian foundation, and the Kincsem Hungária Szövetkezet delivered more than 10,000 pounds of relief supplies into the Hungarian Flood region. [read more] and DONATE
7/5/2010 - AHF participates in Capitol Hill policy seminar on energy security, "Coercion in the European Energy Sector: Implications for the United States."
It was held on June 24, 2010 and sponsored by the Central and East European Coalition (CEEC) in cooperation with the Congressional Caucus on Central and Eastern Europe.
[read more]
 6/22/2010 - AHF editorial, "Fidesz sweep means moment of truth for American policymakers." AHF President Frank Koszorus continues call for even-handedness in US foreign policy: "The President's ability to connect with the people of Central and Eastern Europe will also help determine whether he will succeed or fail in shoring up NATO. An early indicator will be how Washington reacts to the new government in Hungary, following the landslide victory of Viktor Orbán and his center-right party, Fidesz..." [read the full article]
Sign the Petition Against the Stalin Statue!
6/9/2010 - The American Hungarian Federation Condemns Stalin Bust at National D-Day Memorial. "The Foundation’s decision to include a bust of the tyrannical murderer Josef Stalin is deeply disturbing and is incompatible with the stated goals of the Foundation. To include a man who murdered more people than Hitler and the Nazis and began the Cold War is insulting to“those who answer duty’s call” and “p aid, and still pay, forfreedom.” [read more] Hungary's Heti Válasz chimes in... and the local Bedford Bulletin newspaper publishes Letter to the Editor.
6/3/2010 - The 90th Anniversary of Hungary's Dismemberment: Hungary declares "Day of National Unity," AHF issues statement emphasizing the effects of Trianon today: "Trianon is not only tragic history, it is a lingering tragedy which continues to affect the Hungarian minorities and historical communities living in the states neighboring Hungary even today." Includes links to article by Amb. Geza Jeszenszky (Gyásznapok után - az elkeseredés ellen) and Letter to the Editor by Geza Cseri. [read more]
6/3/2010 - The American Hungarian Federation issues statement Supporting Hungarian Dual Citizenship Law, Rebukes Unjustified and Baseless Criticism: "Slovakia, home to more than 500,000 ethnic Hungarians (10% of the population), has condemned this law. The Slovak condemnation is hypocritical, unjustifiable, and only consistent with the pattern of xenophobia and scapegoating for political expediency." [read more]
5/27/2010 - Hungary grants citizenship to Hungarians living in historic ethnic Hungarian communities across the present-day borders. The American Hungarian Federation has long called for such a measure and feels that all Hungarians should have the right to claim citizenship. The law restores rights to millions of ethnic Hungarians that were stripped of their right to citizenship by the communist regimes. Slovakia protests.
[read more]
05/15/2010 - The 5th Annual Hungarian May Ball continued its tradition of supporting the community. Proceeds of the 2010 Ball benefitted the USMA 1969 Claude Alexander Volunteer Program Supporting wounded veterans at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the Hungarian Parochial School in Vaján, Slovakia, to help maintain the community's Hungarian Cultural Heritage and Language. [read more]
5/11/2010 - "Meggyőzni Washingtont..." American Hungarian Federation president calls for even-handedness in media coverage on Hungary in Heti Válasz interview following Fidesz's landslide victory in recently held parliamentary elections.
"Miben tudna segíteni az amerikai magyar emigráció az óhazának, amikor a jobbközép győzelmét ismét fanyalogva fogadja az amerikai sajtó?"
4/16/2010 - AHF Congratulates Hungary on Successful First-Round Elections... The Federation wishes the new government the best in achieving democratic ideals, promoting genuine and mutually beneficial trans-Atlantic relations, restoring moral values, eliminating the massive corruption, revitalizing the country’s economy and supporting the rights of the Hungarian minorities living in countries bordering Hungary. These are the very values the Federation has consistently and publicly supported.
[read more] [tovább]
4/7/2010 -- AHF article on Autonomy for Romania's Hungarian Communities published in Foreign Policy Review...The article entitled, "Autonomy: The Path to Democracy and Stability in Romania," makes a compelling case for the recognition of autonomy as a means of strengthening democracy and stability in Romania. [read more]
3/22/2010 - AHF President discusses Slovak Language Law with OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, Knut Vollebaek and submits follow up letter: "...[Slovakia's] actions include the gerrymandering of the administrative division of Slovakia so that Hungarians are in the minority; adopting a resolution proposed by extremist Jan Slota ratifying and confirming the Benes decrees; and refusing to rehabilitate Janos Esterhazy, who as leader of the Hungarian Party in Tiso’s Fascist Slovakia was the only Member of Parliament to vote against the deportation of Jews in 1942, yet who died in a Czechoslovak prison after the war." [read more]
3/16/2010 - 20th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Kossuth Bust in the US Capitol... AHF and members of the community joined Congress, the Hungarian Embassy, and the Lantos Foundation in a commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the unveiling of the Kossuth Bust in the US Capitol, a gift from AHF to the people of the United States.
[read more]
3/15/2010 - Hungarian Americans commemorate Hungarian National Day. President Obama sends congratulations. The 1848 Hungarian Revolution, under its leader Louis Kossuth, sought to throw off the Austrian Yoke. It failed after Russian intervention, but its impact on the United States is felt even today.
[read more]
3/12/2010 - 51st annual General Assembly meeting - AHF held its 51st annual meeting at the Hungarian Reformed Church in New Brunswick, New Jersey, during March 5-6, 2010. Federation leaders presented their annual reports; participants discussed various operational and policy issues; decisions were reached with regard to various issues, including financial contributions the Federation provides; and a new slate of officers was also elected. [read more]
3/9/2010 - Proud to be Hungarian? AHF issues Census Alert. AHF urges Americans of Hungarian ethnicity, background and cultural heritage to identify on the 2010 US Census and asks all organizations to distribute a one page flyer on how to do it
[read more in English] [tovább magyarul]
2/16/2010 - AHF urges OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities to increase pressure on Slovakia to repeal oppressive language law. "The language law is the latest manifestation of the Slovak government’s intolerance toward its Hungarian minority. Not surprisingly, the Slovak National Party (“SNS”) is a member of the ruling coalition. Its chairman Jan Slota is known for his xenophobia: “Hungarians are the cancer of the Slovak nation, without delay we need to remove them from the body of the nation.” [read more]
2/3/2010 - AHF urges Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to "publicly and unambiguously express [her] concern relative to the Slovak language law. By curtailing or eliminating the use of minority languages from the public sphere, that discriminatory law threatens the Hungarian minority’s culture and infringes on fundamental freedoms." [read more]
1/12/10 -- The American Hungarian Federation urged Vice President Biden to discuss policies with his "Romanian interlocutors that they should adopt to strengthen Romania's democratic institutions and respect the rights of its Hungarian minority" during his trip to Romania. Frank Koszorus, Jr., co-president and chairman of the Federation's International Relations Committee reports, "We understand that issues relating to the Hungarian minority were raised." [Read more]
1/5/10 -- Kati Marton Interviewed on the PBS Newshour - Margaret Warner interviewed author Kati Marton about her latest book, “Enemies of the People” in which she describes the arrest of her parents, journalists Ilona and Endre Marton during the Cold War period in Budapest. In preparation for the book, she researched the Hungarian secret police files on her family. To view the interview, click here.
Buy her book on AHF's Amazon Store!