The 1956 Hungarian Revolution was the first tear in
the Iron Curtain. Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable
odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Hungarian communist government.
Thousands died fighting, others tortured and executed, while 200,000 were
forced to flee. 2006 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution.
The American
Hungarian Federation is sponsoring the 1956 Portal to provide a central information resource
for Hungarian American organizations across the nation to highlight and
promote their 1956 Hungarian Revolution commemoration activities. Get involved and join
News on 1956
10/23/2012 - AHF Issues Statement on the 56th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution entitled, "The Hungarian 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight:
A Nation of Heroes." 1956 was not the first time in Hungary’s thousand year history that the Hungarian nation -- the people -- stood up for liberty, independence and democracy. One just needs to remember the Revolution of 1848 when Hungarians rose up against Hapsburg oppression and with Lajos Kossuth at the helm championed freedom and democracy. Or one can recall July 1944 when a Hungarian armored division blocked the deportation of more than 200,000 Jews in Nazi-occupied Hungary. Or one can point to 1945 when despite Soviet occupation, Hungarians resoundingly rejected the Communist Party and elected the Smallholders Party. [read more]
10/19/2012 - Commemorating the 56th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Gov. George Pataki were guests of honor at the "56 at 56" Gala Dinner sponsored by the Embassy of Hungary in Washington, D.C. marking the 56th anniversary of Hungary 1956. Additional speakers included Hungarian Foreign Minister Janos Martonyi and Hungarian-American two-time Gold Medal winner Susan (Zsuzsanna) Francia who won in rowing at both Beijing and London. Hungarian Ambassador Szapary welcomed guests and made a surprise announcement: The Hungarian Government will seed the Victims of Communism museum with a $1 million donation. [read more]
- AHF Remembers the 55th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution... Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) honors heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Fight for Freedom and refers to The American Hungarian Federation's commemorative statement in the Congressional Record. The statement reflects on the heroism and sacrifices made for freedom, but also acknowledges some if its consequences which still linger today such as the solidly Stalinist Romanian government's virtual liquidation of the Hungarian-language Bolyai University in Romania [read more]
10/23/2010 - AHF Honors the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the first tear in
the Iron Curtain. Hungarians from all walks of life rose up against insurmountable
odds to fight the brutal Soviet-installed Hungarian communist government.
Thousands died fighting, others tortured and executed, while 200,000 were
forced to flee. 2010 marks the 54th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. President Obama issues statement.
- The White House Issues Statement Commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the Hungarian uprising of 1956... "
We commemorate today the 53rd anniversary of the Hungarian uprising of 1956. On October 23, 1956, the Hungarian people stood up against tyranny in the name of freedom, bravely rising up to oppose the Communist regime which had been imposed upon them by the Soviet Union. During this uprising, many Hungarians died to defend and advance their country’s freedom and independence..." [read more]
- Vice President Joe Biden recalls sacrifices of 1956 during presentation while visiting
Central University Library, Bucharest, Romania. "Those of us who know about the bloodshed and the freedom fighters in Hungary in 1956; those who felt the chilling end to the warm Prague spring of 1968 in Wenceslas Square; those who shut down the shipyards in Gdansk in 1980; those here in Romania who endured the most ruthless totalitarian dictatorship in the latter half of the 21st [sic] century in Europe. Each and every one was struggling not only against something, but for something -- for government, a government that responds to the needs of its people; for a more tolerant society, built on respect and dignity; for the freedom to think, to believe, and to pursue your dreams. [read more]
- The Victims of Communism Memorial was dedicated by President
George W. Bush in a morning ceremony on Tuesday, June 12th. Washington's
newest memorial honors the 100 million people who have been killed by
communist totalitarian regimes worldwide. AHF is proud to have contributed
to this great effort. AHF leaders attended the Gala Awards Ceremony that
same evening where Bishop Laszlo Tokes delivered a stirring convocation.
May 3-6, 2007 - Freedom Dance was selected for the Maryland Film
Festival. Check out http://www.md-filmfest.com/
for screening schedules. Freedom Dance: The Movie, produced by AHF's Steven
Fischer and Craig Herron, chronicles Edward Hilberth's escape from Hungary
during the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. [read
more about Freedom Dance]
10/25/2006 - AHF President Istvan
Fedor Expresses Thanks to President Bush for His Proclamation About the
1956 Revolution. On this page below, President Bush's October
18 Proclamation honoring the 1956 Revolution is printed. On October 25,
AHF President Istvan Fedor thanked President Bush for his Proclamation
and for his personal involvement in the events commemorating 1956, such
as his address at the Capitol in March of this year, and his visit to
Hungary in June. Read more of Istvan Fedor's letter to President Bush.
- President Bush issues a proclamation honoring the 1956
Hungarian Revolution... "The story of Hungarian democracy
represents the triumph of liberty over tyranny. In the fall of 1956, the
Hungarian people demanded change, and tens of thousands of students, workers,
and other citizens bravely marched through the streets to call for freedom.
Though Soviet tanks brutally crushed the Hungarian uprising, the thirst
for freedom lived on, and in 1989 Hungary became the first communist nation
in Europe to make the transition to democracy." [download
the resolution]
- AHF Co-President, Imre L. Toth, featured
in US News and World Report on 1956. "Revolution! The Hungarian
uprising 50 years later; how it changed the Cold War" by Alex Kingsbury
is the Special Report in the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report
magazine. This story appears in the October 16, 2006 print edition of
U.S. News & World Report. [see
the article]
- Professor Peter Hargitai and the American Hungarian Federation
publish novel about child freedom-fighter, "Daughter of the Revolution."
For 12 days, countless Hungarian teenagers fought in the bloody
Hungarian Revolution against Communist tyranny and overwhelming Soviet
armor. They set up tank barricades, tossed Molotov cocktails, and with
their confiscated Russian submachine guns made a stand on the streets
of Budapest, hoping to hold out until help arrived from the West. But
there was no help. Nobody came to their aid. This is the story of one
such brave freedom fighter-a 14 year-old girl. [order
News - AHF pursuing resolutions commemorating
the 1956 Hungarian Revolution in all 50 states! Ohio, Colorado,
and Virginia follow Texas in adopting the Resolution and congratulating
the American Hungarian Federation on its 100th anniversary. AHF's
1956 Commemoration Committee announced a nationwide effort urging state
houses and governors to adopt resolutions honoring the heroes of the 1956
Hungarian Revolution. Texas became the first state to adopt the resolution
(House Resolution 75). How can you help? [read
- AHF unveils 1956 Statue prototype for the Nation's Capital...
AHF's 1956 Commemoration Committee is seeking your help to erect a statue
in Washington, D.C. devoted to the heroes of the Hungarian Revolution.
The AHF plan calls for an actual-size statue to be placed prominently
in Washington while we raise funds for its bronze replacement. Seen here
with his prototype design is renowned sculptor Gyuri Hollosy, who was
responsible for the Boston Liberty Square memorial. At the recent Capitol
Reception honoring 1848, Congressman Tom Lantos mentioned his intent to
place a 1956 memorial in Washington. We must ensure this remarkable design
is selected! Contact bryandawson@americanhungarianfederation.org
and join the 1956 Commemoration Committee!
Video posted to the 1956 Portal! "News Magazine of the Screen"
presented "Flight from Hungary" in early 1957 featuring video
taken after the brutal Soviet re-occupation. "This is battered Budapest
under the brutal Russian boot, Soviet tanks roam the streets under the
ruins they laid as communist secret police hunt down heroic Freedom Fighters.
25,000 Hungarians are dead." A fascinating video, it also includes
news about the Suez Crisis and more glimpes into life during this time.
See the Video [Video]
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hosts reception in honor of the 50th
Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. American
Hungarian Federation issues statement. "For 12 days
in 1956, the Hungarian people caught a fleeting glimpse of their independence.
Armed with little more than a love of liberty, the impatient patriots
of Hungary rose up against the mighty Soviet empire," noted Secretary
of State Condoleezza
Rice during a commemoration of the 1956 Revolution at the Department of
State's Benjamin Franklin Room on February 13, 2006. The American Hungarian
Federation was represented by over 15 of its members. The Federation honors
the true heroes of the 1956 Revolution -- those who were unwilling to
compromise and who, against overwhelming odds and standing alone, made
tremendous sacrifices for the cause of freedom, democracy and independence.
9 - February 10, 2006
Exhibit in Baltimore to raise funds for "Freedom Dance the Movie"
- an animated documentary film about the 1956 Hungarian
Revolution! Original Art, created for the movie, to be sold.
"As the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution approaches
and memories of its destruction by Soviet forces recede, it is vital to
show the sufferings of ordinary Hungarians. This film is a bold endeavor
to help Americans understand both the bravery of a people yearning for
freedom and the brutal invasion that was intended to crush their hopes."
- Janusz Bugajski, Director, Central and East European
Studies, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Freedom Dance is produced and directed by award-winning filmmakers Steven
Fischer and Craig Herron. They collaborated with 1956 emigre Edward Hilbert
in combining recorded interviews and photographs with the unconventional
use of character-driven cartoon animation. [see
12/15/2005 -
AHF providing free Websites on the 1956 Portal to member organizations
as they prepare for the 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution. If
you know of any organization or group planning events for the commemoration
of 1956, please contact us. The American Hungarian Federation is sponsoring
the 1956 Portal as part of its goals to coordinate and assist member organizations
across the country. The 1956 Portal serves as a central information resource
for 1956 activities as our community prepares for the 50th Anniversary
of the Hungarian Revolution. The Portal also includes Audio
and Video files! If you have additional photos or have plans
you would like to promote, contact us! Write to Bryan
12/7/2005 - House unanimously passes resolution recognizing
50th anniverary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. By a unanimous
and recorded vote, the House of Representatives passed H. Res. 479 on
December 6, 2005. The resolution, which had been introduced by Congressman
Tom Lantos (D-CA), recognizes the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian
Revolution and enjoyed the support of the American Hungarian community
and its various organizations.
The American Hungarian Federation applauds Congressman Lantos for taking
the initiative to introduce and secure passage of H. Res. 479. As stated
earlier by the Federation, "With this resolution, the Congress has
eloquently recognized the extraordinary sacrifices made by Hungarians
50 years ago, reaffirmed the historic ties and close friendship between
the United States and Hungary and acknowledged the tremendous contribution
made by Hungarians forced to flee tyranny and start a new life in the
United States."
Original Title: "Recognizing the 50th Anniversary
of the Hungarian Revolution that began on October 23, 1956 and reaffirming
the friendship between the people and governments of the United States
and Hungary."
Passed Title: "Whereas on October 23, 1956, university
students marching through the streets of Budapest were joined by workers
and others until their numbers reached some 100,000 Hungarian citizens."
H. Res. 479]
NOTE: You will need the free Adobe Reader to open the document.
Click image to download.
- AHF's Dr. Emery Imre Toth attends the 1956 Revolution
commemorations in Budapest. Events included a memorial at the famed Corvin
Koz and a 1956 Grand Celebration at the Budapest
Opera House. AHF would later present Gen. Bela Kiraly with its
Col. Commandant Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom. Bela Kiraly was Commander-in-Chief
of the Budapest National Defense Force during the ill-fated 1956 Hungarian
Revolution. Bela Kiraly is also one of AHF's newest members. [read
- Successful 1956 Commemoration, Congressional Reception
& Awards Ceremony
AHF kicked off a year of events devoted to remembering t he
heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution at its Congressional Reception
held on October 19. Congressmen Tom Lantos (D-CA) and Tom Tancredo (R-CO)
were awarded the American Hungarian Federation’s Col. Commandant
Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom for their “Leadership in Support
of Democracy, Human Rights and Minority Rights in Central and Eastern
Europe.” Col. Kovats was a founding father of the US Cavalry. Those
donating at least $56.00 receive the mini-documentary on the 1956 Revolution
shown here produced by AHF and member filmmakers Imre and Zsuzsa Toth
who expertly enhanced and digitized the remarkable 10-minute DVD. [read
more] or [see
ALL AHF news stories] |
up for the AHF mailing list. Your information is not shared!
"October 23, 1956, is a day that will live forever in the
annals of free men and nations. It was a day of courage, conscience and
triumph. No other day since history began has shown more clearly the eternal
unquenchability of man's desire to be free, whatever the odds against
success, whatever the sacrifice required."
- John F. Kennedy, on the first anniversary of the
Hungarian Revolution.
- 2006 in Review:
AHF Chapters and Members at Work ensuring 1956 is not forgotten!
Commemorations were a tremendous success! AHF worked with local
chapters and member organizations across the country to plan numerous
events in honor of the 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
In addition to the major events, 1956 proclamations and resolutions were
passed in many states.
See the stories below from Carnegie Hall in New York City, the Cosmos
Club in Washington D.C.; St. Thomas University and the Houston Hungarians;
Miami, Naples and Sarasota in Florida; Boston, Mass; and Lorain Ohio and
read how we honored the memory of our heroes:
New York:
- 1956 Anniversary Gala Concert at Carnegie Hall. New
York City’s Carnegie Hall hosted a Gala Memorial Concert commemorating
the 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution organized by the
Coordinating Committee for the Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
The American Hungarian Federation initiated the effort working with the
Hungarian Freedom Fighters Federation to establish the Coordinating
Committee for the Commemoration of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
Numerous AHF members, local organizations and individuals joined the effort
leading to this tremendous success. AHF seeded the fundraising effort
with it's first $5000.00 and later provided accounting and good offices,
enabling contributions of almost $250,000.00! The long-term plan is to
finance, through donations, a permanent Memorial to the 1956 Hungarian
Revolution to be located in New York City. Support this worthy cause
more and donate!]
Washington, D.C. I:
- The American Hungarian Federation Commemorates the 50th
Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolt. The American Hungarian
Federation honored the memory of the heroes of the Hungarian Revolution
of 1956 at a gala dinner at the prestigious Cosmos Club in Washington,
D.C., on October 20th. Close
to 150 Federation members, American Hungarians, their American friends
and relatives attended the dinner. Seven American Hungarians received
the Federation's "Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom Award" in
recognition of their efforts on behalf of Hungarian causes.
Washington, D.C. II
- Eisenhower, Khrushchev, and AHF's own Imre Toth participate in "Cold
War Conversations: The Uprisings and Revolutions of 1956."
The American Hungarian Federation is proud to have co-hosted the event.
The Cold War Museum convened panels of diplomats, officials and historians
to discuss the 1956 Polish and Hungarian uprisings against the Soviets
and Communism.
Washington, D.C. III
Hungarian Reformed Federation of America, chartered by the United
States Congress celebrated the heroes of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution
against the communists and Soviets at the HRFA Kossuth House, its home
office. HRFA placed a large banner declaring "Hungary: Initiated
the Fall of Communism." The Kossuth House's strategic location in
Dupont Circle in downtown Washington ensured wide viewing.
The celebration included a solemn invocation, moving folk songs sung
by a young Hungarian American, the recital of the Szozat and the Nemzeti
Dal. HRFA President and AHF Vice Chairman, Jules (Gyula) Balogh gave a
personal account of current events in Hungary from his visit to Budapest
a week before this celebration.
- 10/29/2006 - Texas AHF Chapter Grows with successful
commemorations of the 50th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.
The University of St. Thomas hosts symposium and photo exhibit and the
Hungarian American Cultural Association hosts commemoration in
Houston where Dr. Robert Ivany (seen here) is awarded the Col. Commandant
Michael Kovats Medal of Freedom, AHF's highest honor. The same photo exhibit
displayed in the state Capitol in Austin. Dallas Hungarians dedicate the
“emlékoszlopok” ("memorial poles" are traditional
Transylvanian carved wooden monuments) in honor of the 1956 Revolution
and the 50th year of the Cistercian Abbey. [read
Boston, Massachusetts
- Commemorations began at 2pm at Boston's Liberty Square
site of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution Memorial (seen here) by AHF's Gyuri
Hollosy whose design is behind the AHF's 1956 National Memorial effort.
Brief commemoration speeches featured Gabor Garai, Honorary Consul of
the Republic of Hungary in Boston, Karoly Balogh, President, Hungarian
Society of Massachusetts, followed by a poem by Gyula Illyes' "A
Sentence About Tyranny" by Judy Van de Geer. Organizers layed a wreath
in Memory of the Heroes as participants sung the Hungarian National Anthem
and then listened to Taps.
At 3pm, famed Faneuil Hall was the site for a large commemorative event.
Participants were greeted by Gabor Garai and Dr. Karoly Balogh followed
by the Commemorative Speech given by John Lukacs (Professor, Chestnut
Hill College) [read
Southwest Florida
- 12/3/2006 - Andy Evva of the American Foundation for
Hungarian Youth and Culture (AFHYC) working with Frank Dobos of Hungarian
Club of Southwest Florida and local leaders dedicate "Talpra Magyar"
memorial to 1956. The Collier County Board of County Commissioners
named the Main Government Complex as "Freedom Memorial Park"
and approved the "Talpra Magyar" 50th Anniversary of the Hungarian
Revolution Commemorative Sculpture unveiled on December 3, 2006. [read
Another AHF member organization in Southwest Florida, the Venice
Hungarian Club also commemorated 1956. Kalman Magyar, see
here with Dr. Paul Szilagyi, had earlier kicked off the year for AHF with
the unveiling of the club's own 1956 memorial AHF VP Kalman Nagy of the
Venice Hungarian Club proudly showed participants AHF's 1956 memorial
unveiled on October 23, 2005 as Hurricane Wilma approached. [read
Miami, Florida
- AHF Chairman, Akos Nagy provides keynote address at 1956
Memorial unveiling at Miami's Kossuth Club. Miami's Hungarian
community commemorated 1956 with a service at the First Hungarian Church
of Christ followed by the unveiling and unveiling of its 1956 Memorial.
The consecration ceremony began with the Ringing of Bell for the martyrs
Cleveland, OH
6/16/2007 - The Freedom
Statue Committee of the Cleveland Hungarian Revolution 50th Anniversary
Committee dedicated the Freedom Statue at
Mindszenty Plaza
Lakeside Avenue
Cleveland Ohio
A reception immediately followed the dedication
Lorain, Ohio
- The American Hungarian Council of Lorain County officially dedicated
its 1848-1956 Memorial Monument starting with a dedication ceremony
at Oakwood Park. The dedication was followed by a banquet in the social
hall of the Hungarian Reformed Church. The Honorable Mayor Craig Foltin
and the city of Lorain, through proclamation, designated a property on
the corner of East 31st Street and Grove Avenue in Oakwood Park as the
future site of the monument. AHF congratulates John Peters and all those
in Lorain who made this possible. AHF National is proud to be a sponsor!
your Free Website and get the word out about your 50th Anniversary Commemoration
AHF is calling on all local organizations to coordinate efforts to ensure
that this important event receives national and worldwide attention.
Join AHF and help us coordinate events around the nation and the world.
Contact AHF at (202) 737-0127 or info@americanhungarianfederation.org
and Contribute
or join online!
Featured 1956 Video
Days of Freedom in Budapest" - "Budapest is in revolt. With
uncontrolled fury, crowds set fire to Russian flags... The impossible
has happened. A handful of heroes has shaken the communist world to its
foundations." (5.2 Mb)
[See more audio and video files]
Note: You will need the free RealAudio Player to see
the videos.
to download.
1956 Films in Production
from the Flag
by Klaudia Kovacs
AHF is proud to support this feature-length, English-language feature
dedicated to the universal values of freedom, democracy and human rights
is being produced to honor the 50th anniversary of the Hungarian uprising.
Journey Home/ Hazatérés:
A Story of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution by Réka Pigniczky
A journey by two American women to bury their father's ashes in Hungary
turns into a quest to find out exactly what he did as a freedom fighter
there during the revolution of 1956 and how that changed his and
their lives forever.
[read more]
Dance: The Movie - an animated film about 1956!
"Freedom Dance" re-tells the inspiring story of a Hungarian-born
artist named Edward Hilbert who (with his newly wedded wife,
Judy) made a dangerous escape from occupied Hungary in
1956 during the violent Hungarian Revolution, taking refuge in the land
of Edward's dreams: America! Throughout their 4 months on the road, Edward,
the child star of the Hungarian classic film "Meseauto," kept
a journal in cartoon form illustrating various episodes from his adventure.
[read more]
In Memorium
- Gergely "Bajusz" Pongratz, a leader
and hero of Hungary's anti-communist revolution, dead at 73. Pongratz
suffered a heart attack on Wednesday in the southern Hungarian town of
more and see links to hear him speak]
- AHF President Emeritus, Entrepreneur, Freedom Activist,
and 1959 US "Citizen of the Year," George K. Haydu, passed away
after long illness. The death of this great humanitarian and
leader is a major loss for the Hungarian-American community and to all
his many friends. Despite many death threats and
being shot in the leg during "Loyalty Day" parade in New York
City, George was undeterred in his efforts to bring freedom to Hungary
and comfort to refugees. [read
more about George Haydu] or see [All