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The Hungarian American Education and Cultural Fund
Amerikai Magyar Oktatási és Kultúrális Alap (AMOKA)

How Hungary Shrank: Ostensibly in the name of national self-determination, the Treaty dismembered the thousand-year-old Kingdom of Hungary, a self-contained, geographically and economically coherent and durable formation in the Carpathian Basin and boasting the longest lasting historical borders in Europe. By drawing artificial borders in gross violation of the ethnic principle, it also transferred over three million indigenous ethnic Hungarians and over 70% of the country's territory to foreign rule.The American Hungarian Federation established the Hungarian American Education and Cultural Preservation Fund (Amerikai Magyar Oktatási és Kultúrális Alap (AMOKA) to support a wide variety of programs from scholarships and internships that develop our future leaders to assisting local communities at home and abroad to preserve Hungarian schools and cultural institutions, language, history and traditions.

Please join the Federation and support us! You are also invited to help on these efforts. Founded in 1906, AHF is an all-volunteer, non-partisan, member-supported organization. If you have a suggestion for a worthwhile cause, please join us and get involved!

Below are a few of the programs we have supported:


  • AHF supports scholarships to needy Hungarian ethnic minority students from 5 countries... AHF Member Bela J. Bognar, Professor Emeritus, founded the Hungarian Scholarship Fund (HSF) to finance the educational needs of needy students of Hungarian descent in Hungary and former Hungarian lands separated from Hungary after the Treaty of Trianon. The HSF is a tax-exempt organization. To date, over 100 Hungarian students from Hungary, Transylvania, Slovakia, Transcarpathian Ukraine, and Vojvodina, Serbia (Vajdasag in Hungarian, annexed by Serbia) have benefitted from the HSF. Students must show demonstrated financial need, academic excellence and be willing to stay in or near their communities to benefit them. AHF has contributed nearly $17,000.00 to scholarships. As of September, 2010, 44 recipients have completed their university studies. [read more]


  • His vision was to create “Classrooms of the Future,” building Educational Bridges between the US and Hungary and Promoting Science Education. Seen here are Hungarian Parliament members Katalin Somfai, left, Janos Horvath and Monika Bartos greet McIntosh Middle School science students John Morris, 12, a sixth-grader, and Yasmeen Arslanagic, 12, a seventh-grader, at the Sarasota County middle school. They are creating a science community between students in both Hungary and the United States.5/12/2012 - AHF Donates Laptops to Zalaber Elementary School. Erika Fedor, AHF Social Committee Chair, presented the laptops to Albert Kiss, Principal of the Zalaber Elementary School. Also attending was AHF AssociatePresident, Gyula Balogh and Zsuzsa Dreisziger heads of the Hungarian American Club in Hungary, AHF's sister organization.

    The donation is part of a larger "Classrooms of the Future" project that bridges Hungarian middle-school students in Zalaber with American counterparts at McIntosh Junior High School in Sarasota, Florida. The program's objective is to have students in Hungary work directly on scientific and agricultural topics with their US counterparts via teleconferencing. [read more]

  • Smiling faces at the Reformed Church's Hungarian Language Elementary School of Vaján (Magyar Tanitási Nyelvü Református Egyházi Alapiskola Vaján)AHF supported the Hungarian School in tiny Hungarian Village in Slovakia. The school is located in a little ethnic Hungarian village of under 800 people, Vaján (or Vojany in Slovak after annexation following the Treaty of Trianon) in the Kassa District (Kosice) of Slovakia. Anti-Hungarian practices in Slovak state school registration and the Slovak Language Law forbidding the use of Hungarian in official business make it difficult for these historic communities to preserve their over 1000-year-old heritage. The smallest communities are the hardest hit and Church programs are the only option. Funds from the Hungarian May Ball co-sponsored by the Hungarian Scouts of Washington were targeted at this effort. [read more]
  • BÁCSKOSSUTHFALVA - Két csoportba összesen 53 gyermek jár. Ez az első és egyetlen református óvoda, amely államilag elismert Szerbiában. Ennek ellenére hivatalos úton sem sikerült elérni, hogy állami támogatáshoz jusson az intézményThe 2011 Hungarian Ball in Washington, DC, supported the Hungarian Reformed Church Nursery School in Bácskossuthfalva: Founded in 2005, this is the ONLY such school recognized by Serbian authorities. Despite the recognition, Serbia has refused to extend any financial support. The school is under serious financial distress and your support is greatly needed and appreciated. See the VIDEO INTERVIEW (magyarul magyarul).
  • wewreAHF supported Hungarian Schools in the Csango Regions. AHF held a gala event and honored Brother Csaba Bojte, whose incredible work resulted in the establishment of eight homes for the abandoned Hungarian orphans in Transylvania. In May 2005, he started building the first Hungarian School in the Csango Region, where the Romanian policy of destruction of Hungarian heritage is the strongest.100% of these proceeds went to Brother Bojte. [read more]


  • About 40 members and guests and throngs of tourists witnessed the special ceremony as AHF President Atilla Micheller was escorted by Lt. Col. Steve Vekony (US Army) and the First Califiornia Hussar Regiment. Preserving a proud past: Hungarians and Americans have been connected inextricably from the start. Americans of Hungarian descent have fought and died in every American war since the War ofIndependence. Many of the Hungarian American heroes from countless Video of the 2007 Memorial Day Commemoration and Wreath Laying at Arlington National Cemeterybattles are buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

    AHF established regular commemorations to preserve the memory of these brave souls and serve as an educational resource for future generations.2007 Memorial Day Commemoration Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery, for example, included a wreath laying the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and walking tour of Hungarian-American gravesites. [read more].
  • The Foundation's management team, including Amb. Geza Jeszenszky and Dr. József Halzl, are well respected and the organization's work is not only known to be highly effective and well managed, it is essential and worthy of your support. Seen here is AHF Social Committee Chair, Erika Fedor, with Foundation director, Amb. Jeszenszky.AHF donated to the Rákóczi Szövetség (Rakoczi Foundation) supporting ethnic Hungarian communities in the Carpathian Basin. The donation was targeted at providing scholarships and other support to students and families in Slovakia. Anti-Hungarian practices in Slovak state school registration and the Slovak Language Law forbidding the use of Hungarian in official business make it difficult for these historic communities to preserve their over 1000-year-old heritage.
    [read more]
  • The patch of Hungarian Scouting founded in 1909Hungarian Scouting - The Magyar Cserkészszövetség, the primary national Scouting organization of Hungary, was founded in 1912. Later, Hungary was a founding member of the World Scout Bureau in 1922. The first Hungarian National Jamboree in 1926 had 10,000 participants. Hungary hosted the fourth World Jamboree in 1933 at the royal forest of Gödöllo, outside Budapest, in which 26,000 Scouts from 54 nations camped together. The camp chief was Teleki Pál, the member of the International Committee who later became Prime Minister of Hungary. Scouting was well organized and popular in Hungary until it was officially abolished by the Communist regime in 1948, but remained nascent underground. In 2007, proceeds from the Hungarian Ball in Washington helped helped ensure Washington Hungarian Scout participation in the 21st World Scout Jamboree in England.
  • Rebuilding Museum following the disaster of Hurricane Katrina: AHF distributed funds to the Arpadhon (Albany, LA) Hungarian Settlement Historical Society (HSHS). Julia Bika of the Louisiana Hungarians, who also suffered the wrath of Katrina, represented AHF as our liaison to HSHS. The funds were used to rebuild the Society's main building that was damaged in the storm.

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Hungarian Charity Balls

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You can also mail a check payable to "American Hungarian Federation" indicating membership, AMOKA, or General Contribution in notes to: American Hungarian Federation
C/O Tamas Teglassy, Treasurer
1805 Snow Meadow Lane, # 103
Baltimore MD 21209

TrianonWhy so many Hungarians
across the Border?
It is the result of World War I and French and Western desires for hegemony in Europe. Developing Central European power and a large Hungary did not further these goals. The Treaty of Trianon, cost hungary 2/3 of her territory, 1/2 of her population (1/3 of which were ethnic Hungarian) and 90% of her natural resources, railroads and infrastructure. At the time President Wilson said: “The proposal to dismember Hungary is absurd” and later Sir Winston Churchill said: “Ancient poets and theologians could not imagine such suffering, which Trianon brought to the innocent.We are sad to report that they were right.
[read more]

12/28/2004 - "Nehéz az a tudat, hogy sehol nemvagyunk igazán otthon." A letter from Scholarship recipient Forró Krisztián:

"Tisztelt Dr. Szilágyi Pál!

Elöször is KELLEMES KARÁCSONYI ÜNNEPEKET kívánok önnek,az egészcsaládjának és mindenkinek,akinek a segztséget köszönhetem! Nagyon sokat jelentett az iskoláztatásomhoz az a pénz összeg, amit Bélabácsival gyujtöttek.Vagy jobbanmondva segítségként ajánlottak fel. Mind ahogy az önéletrajzomból kiderül Vajdasági magyar diák vagyok. Erre mifelénk elég ínséges idok járnak. Kormányválltás az elmúlt idoben rengetegszer történt, ígéretek is elhangzottak rengeteg helyrol még az anyaországból is. Sajnos a kettös állampolgársággal kapcsolatos népszavazás is megbukott. Nehéz az a tudat, hogy sehol nemvagyunk igazán otthon.Vajdaságban a szerbek nem fogadnak el minket, az anyaországban szintúgy. Ezért is köszönöm, hogy ilyen távol is vannak segítokész emberek. Remélem egyszer adódik egy olyan helyzet, amikor ezt a segítséget meg tudom majd hálálni! Mégegyszer Békés Szeretet teli Karácsonyt kívánok!

Bácskossuthfalvi lakos vagyok,vagy ismertebb nevén Ómoravica. A mit el kell mondanom a szüleimrol, hogy mindketten az egészségügyben dolgoznak. Édesanyám, Éva egészségügyi novér, édesapám László egészségügyi technikus. Mindketten az ,,Otthon,, nevu állami intézményben dolgoznak, ahol szellemileg fogyatékos emberek gondozásával foglalkoznak.

A családi helyzetemet nézve,szüleimmel élek. Egyke vagyok.1985 november 19-én születtem Bácska Topolyán. Az idén töltöm be a tizenkilencedik életévemet. Az általános iskolát Ómoravicán fejeztem kituno tanulmányi eredménnyel. Majd a középiskolát a topolyai Dositej Obradovic Gimnáziumban, 4,07-es jeles tanulmányi eredménnyel. Angol nyelvbol, magyar nyelvbol és képzomuvészetbol érettségiztem. Jelenleg a Szabadkai Óvóképzobe íratkoztam be, önkölcségire.Amit még rólam tudni kell, hogy nagyon szeretek sportolni, jártam küzdosportra is, és imádok festeni, rajzolni, zobrászkodni, a képzomuvészet minden részét. Ezért régi álmom, hogy rajztanár legyek. Szeretnék gyerekekkel foglalkozni, átadni minden tudásom, tapasztalatom és remélem sikerül majd ezt valahogy megvalósítani.

Sokmindent az ómoravicai muvésztelepen tanultam meg. Korongozást agyagozást. Ezenkívül résztvettem egy 20 órás számítástechnikai tanfolyamon, haladó szinten. Az idén egy második és egy harmadik helyezést értem el kerámia illetve festmény kategóriában a MIRK-en. Illetve a négy év középiskola alatt két évben én kaptam az elso helyezést az iskola versenyen. Ezenkívül sokat tevékenykedek a faluban, Teleházban. Megpróbáltam a felvételit Pécsen a képzomuvészeti akadémián, de úgylátszik, hogy oda a tehetségem nem volt elég, de nem szeretném abbahagyni a rajzolást. Rengeteg tanulni valóm van még csak szinte
lehetetlenség állami támogatásra bejutni itt Szerbiában a képzomuvészeti akadémiára,mert többnyire azok jutnak be akik az ottani tanárokhoz járnak felkészítore és kifizetik az órákat. Persze a szüleim anyagilag azt nem bírnák ezért íratkoztam ovóképzobe, majd onnan tanárképzobe szeretnék menni és így rajztanár lenni. Ez az álmom már kis elsos korom óta. Ezmellet szeretnék megtanulni angolul mert szerintem a mai világba már nélkülözhetetlen. Most a helyzetem olyan, hogy bent kell laknom Szabadkán, és mivel önkölcségin vagyok mindenért kell aránylag sokat fizetni. Ezért is nagyon köszönöm a segítséget, mivel e nélkül nehéz lett volna.

Tisztelettel: Forró Krisztián

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