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AHF Joint letter expressing concerns over confidential diplomatic disclosures

10/28/2005 - AHF spearheads joint letter expressing deep concern over the Hungarian Foreign Ministry’s decision to disclose selected statements taken from classified reports prepared by a former Hungarian Ambassador to the United States in his official capacity.

The Budapest Sun reported: The United States thought Orbán 'unpredictable' telegram says. The US reluctantly found itself dragged into local politics when the Socialists published a summary of telegrams sent from Washington to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry by a former Ambassador to the States, Géza Jeszenszky. The messages were sent in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the States, and controversial comments made by István Csurka, leader of the far right Hungarian Justice and Life Party (MIÉP), claiming that the US had brought the attacks on itself. [read the article]

STATEMENT (English and Hungarian)

We the undersigned welcome developments that strengthen American Hungarian relations. It is this consideration that moves us to write this statement.

We are concerned by the Hungarian Foreign Ministry’s decision to disclose selected statements taken from classified reports prepared by a former Hungarian Ambassador to the United States in his official capacity. Such disclosures of relatively recent and secret communications are highly unusual and may jeopardize normal diplomatic interaction among American (and other countries’ representatives) and Hungarian diplomats. The disclosures are likely to have a chilling effect on the normal discourse with members of the U.S. and any other Foreign Service. Diplomats may be reluctant to discuss sensitive issues with their Hungarian counterparts, fearing that their candid comments may be publicly disclosed in the course of political campaigns.

We hope in the future the Hungarian Government will separate election campaigns in Hungary and the serious business of conducting an effective foreign policy and advancing U.S.-Hungarian relations.

October 28, 2005 [Download]

NYILATKOZAT (English and Hungarian)

Mi, az alulírottak, minden olyan fejleményt üdvözlünk, amelyek a magyar-amerikai kapcsolatok erosítését szolgálják. Ezt a megfontolást szolgálja jelenlegi nyilatkozatunk is.

Aggodalommal tölt el bennünket a magyar Külügyminisztériumnak az a döntése, hogy a korábbi amerikai magyar nagykövet szigorúan titkos jelentéseibol néhány részletet nyilvánosságra hoz. Közelmúltbeli és bizalmas anyagok nyilvánosságra hozatala szokatlan eljaras, amely kockáztathatja az amerikai (és más államokbeli) és magyar diplomaták közötti kapcsolattartást es konnyen elkepzelheto, hogy fagyaszto hatassal lesz az amerikai vagy bármely más ország diplomataira. Diplomatak vonakodnanak kenyes temakat megbeszelni magyar kollegaikkal, attol felve, hogy oszinte megnyilvanulasaikat magyar valasztasi kampanyokban kihasznalnak.

Reméljük, hogy a jövoben a magyar kormány gondosan elküloníti a magyar választási kampányt a külpolitika irányításának és képviseletének komoly és hatékony feladataitól, és a magyar-amerikai kapcsolatok ápolásától.

2005. oktober 28 [Leltoltes]

Charles Fenyvesi
Ujsagiro / Journalist

Laszlo Fulop
Minnesota Hungarians

Robert Gabor
Bethesda, Maryland

Frank Koszorus, Jr.,
Ugyved / Attorney
Washingtoni Amerikai Magyar Szovetseg / American Hungarian Federation of Washington, D.C.

Patrick LaCombe
Vallalkozo / Businessman
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Prof. Andrew Ludanyi
Ada, Ohio

James G. McCargar
Washington, D.C.

Dr. Janos Radvanyi
Professor Emeritus
Mississippi State University

Louis Segesvary, Ph.D.
Volt Amerikai Diplomata / Former Foreign Service Officer
Great Falls, Virginia

William S. Shepard
Volt Diplomata, Amerikai Kovetseg, Budapest /
Former Foreign Service Officer, US Embassy, Budapest
Oxford, Maryland

Ilona Szablya
Irono / Author
Seattle, Washington

Bryan Dawson-Szilagyi
Amerikai Magyar Szovetseg / American Hungarian Federation
Arlington, Virginia

Csaba K. Zoltani
Lutherville, Maryland

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