10/25/2016 - AHF sends follow up to US Ambassador to Rumania for praising Rumania's "model democracy." "Considering the irrefutable record of discrimination, intolerance, and anti-democratic attitudes, practices and policies by Romanian authorities, not to mention your experience relative to the Szekely flag, we are puzzled... by your statement last week praising Romania for being a model of democracy and observing the rights of minorities.
The letter appears in full below:
October 25, 2016
The Honorable Hans G. Klemm
United States Ambassador
4 - 6, Liviu Librescu
District 1 Bucharest
05118 Romania
Re: State of Human Rights in Romania
Dear Ambassador Klemm:
As reflected in our September 15 letter, we and other human rights advocates were encouraged by your recognizing the Hungarian minority in Romania and allowing your picture to be taken with the Szekely flag, a symbol of the hope and national identity of an ethnic group that has been subject to discrimination for decades. The vehemence of this intolerance and discrimination undoubtedly was apparent to you as you became the target of harsh and unwarranted attacks for taking a courageous and moral position relative to the Hungarian minority.
Considering the irrefutable record of discrimination, intolerance, and anti-democratic attitudes, practices and policies by Romanian authorities, not to mention your experience relative to the Szekely flag, we are puzzled to say the least by your statement last week praising Romania for being a model of democracy and observing the rights of minorities.
In view of the enormity of the gap between the facts on the ground when it comes to the experience of members of the Hungarian minority and your statement, we respectfully urge that you clarify your statement. We also urge you to call upon Romania to abide by Western standards when it comes to the treatment of the Hungarian minority. This would be consistent with well-established U.S. policies and practices when it comes to other countries of the region and dispel the appearance of a double standard.
For its part, Romania could start observing the rights of the Hungarian minority by, for example, finally returning communal and religious properties confiscated by the former communist regime. We greatly appreciate your attention to this important matter and stand ready to assist you in promoting human rights and genuine democracy in Romania and the region.
Frank Koszorus, Jr., |
Bryan Dawson |
Chairman |
Vice-President |
CC: Victoria Nuland
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Why So Many Hungarians
Across the Border?
One thousand years of nation building successfully delineated groups based on culture, religion, geography, and other attributes to create the countries with which we are so familiar. While some Western European nations would continue power struggles and princely battles and civil wars, Hungary, founded in 896, was a peaceful multi-ethnic state for a 1000 years and her borders were virtually unchanged. Until 1920...
The Treaty of Trianon in 1920... in the aftermath of WWI, was extremely harsh on Hungary and unjustifiably one-sided. The resulting "treaty" lost Hungary an unprecedented 2/3 of her territory, and 1/2 of her total population or 1/3 of her Hungarian-speaking population. Add to this the loss of up to 90% of vast natural resources, industry, railways, and other infrastructure. The clear winner of the land grab, was Rumania, who, established only 60 years earlier, more than doubled in size overnight.
Ethnic Distribution in the Kingdom of Hungary in 1910 (Hungarians shown in red)

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Hungarian populations declined significantly after forced removals such as the Benes Decrees and other pograms, the effects of WWI, and Trianon in 1920. With continued pressure and discriminative policies such as the 2009 Slovak Language Law, this trend continued over the past 90 years.

- In Upper Hungary (awarded to Slovakia, Czechoslovakia): 1,687,977 Slovaks and 1,233,454 others (mostly Hungarians - 886,044, Germans, Ruthenians and Roma) [according to the 1921 census, however, there were 1,941,942 Slovaks and 1,058,928 others]
- In Carpathian Ruthenia (awarded to Czechoslovakia): 330,010 Ruthenians and 275,932 others (mostly Hungarians, Germans, Romanians, and Slovaks)
- In Transylvania (awarded to Romania): 2,831,222 Romanians (53.8%) and 2,431,273 others (mostly Hungarians - 1,662,948 (31.6%) and Germans - 563,087 (10.7%)). The 1919 and 1920 Transylvanian censuses indicate a greater percentage of Romanians (57.1%/57.3%) and a smaller Hungarian minority (26.5%/25.5%)
- In Vojvodina 510,754 Serbs and 1,002,229 others (mostly Hungarians 425,672 and Germans 324,017)
- In Vojvodina and Croatia-Slavonia combined (awarded to Yugoslavia): 2,756,000 Croats and Serbs and 1,366,000 others (mostly Hungarians and Germans)
- In Burgenland (awarded to Austria): 217,072 Germans and 69,858 others (mainly Croatian and Hungarian)
[read more on the Treaty of Trianon]
AHF Statements on Trianon:
Congressional Resolutions and Records
- H.RES 191 - A RESOLUTION urging the "prompt and fair restitution of church properties by Romania and Slovakia - TOM LANTOS / TOM TANCREDO (April 6th 2005) in the House of Representatives [download]
- A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ISSUE OF TRANSYLVANIAN HUNGARIANS -- HON. DONALD E. `BUZ' LUKENS (Extension of Remarks - February 26, 1990) in the House of Representatives [download]
- VIOLENCE IN TRANSYLVANIA -- HON. DON RITTER (Extension of Remarks - March 22, 1990) in the House of Representatives [download]
- Transylvanian Monitor #14: Property Restitution.
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